Types of MS

Most Common forms of MS
-Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS)
-Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS)
-Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS)

RRMS affects approximately 80 percent of people with MS, with women being three times more likely to be diagnosed with this form of MS than men.  This form of MS consists of times of flare-ups followed by recovery periods.  Flare-ups, also called MS attacks, last about one to three months at a time.  During this time, many people with MS will experience exacerbated signs and symptoms of MS.  During the recovery period, people may experience mild to no symptoms of the disease.  The recovery period can last up to a year or more.

SPMS is the second phase of RRMS.  During this phase, many people experience worsening MS symptoms.

Approximately 10 percent of people diagnosed with MS will experience PPMS.
This form of MS is seen equally in men and women.  People with PPMS will experience progressively worsening symptoms associated with MS without periods of recovery.

Rare forms of MS
-Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (PRMS)

Benign MS is a slow progression, over 20 years, of the disease with little to no change in the disease state.

Progressive periods of the disease with short periods of recovery is PRMS.

Malignant MS is the most rapid form of MS.  The disease rapidly progresses with the signs and symptoms of the disease.